Monday, May 11, 2020


Crawling out of my hole to say hello, so sorry if I have missed your call/email/what-have-you during the past few days.  I will get to those as soon as I can.

I have been on a quest and I think I am closer to the end.

I have no idea if this will interest you but:

My intent is to post all remaining course content today.

(other than assessment-related materials, coming ASAP but TBD)

This means folders now exist for each remaining session which needed one, full of stuff to consider.  I think 106 needs a couple more parts to its Lecture Notes.  A few other things.

You are, as ever, welcome to let me know if you encounter things for question or comment.

Most stuff is already there, I just need a break before I get a few more things in order, double-checked, whatnot.

Let's see...I honestly can't remember if I wanted to mention anything else right here so I will give it up.

I hope you are doing well and enjoyed Mother's Day, and please take care.


Wednesday, May 6, 2020


I had to fuss with some photos in what turned out to be "post-production" but I think they're all there now!
By the end of my night we shall have remaining homework in all four sections!


Answers tomorrow!
Let's keep going!  :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men
                 Gang aft agley.
                                             -"To a Mouse," Robert Burns

 Made some decent progress on some things yesterday and today has been okay as well.

Once again, getting things together has proven to be a more time-consuming enterprise than originally planned, yet there should be even more by the end of the day if things go well this evening!

What that means for today, though, was that a hope of hanging around with not as much to do for a while was clearly too optimistic

What could we have done with that time?  Hard to say, but I'm shooting for tomorrow.

Have a good night.

John Lamb Reed

Saturday, May 2, 2020


Hello, folks.

Posted the Exams at about 11 p.m. last night and I think we might as well get this out of the way, let's make it clear, here it is, an important point.

An image from something that went up about a week ago (all four sections could have seen it):

Something from yesterday (two of four sections could have seen it):

Did you see either?  Yes?  No?

It's cool. Now you have!

So, I wish you good luck!  Let's be in touch if you find anything else that needs clarification.

Take it easy and have a great weekend.

R.I.P.  K.R.